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Peace be with you
I like the scene. It reminds me of my peaceful days I lived on the shores of the Holy Loch while I was stationed in Scotland. The snow covered mountains, the crystal clear water, the refreshingly pure cold air, the people, and even the rain...gave me peace. Just as a Sunday morning Mass does. Peace be with you! Why do I bring this up? Well, a couple of things. I started the morning off with sweeping and swabbing the wooden deck (the floor) on the house. This was followed by doing the laundry, which included the sheets and pillowcase of my bed. Anyone who has done this knows that danger lurks behind every corner and today my feather pillow exploded. BOOM! Feathers all over my freshly done floor. Peace be with you! Next it was on to my chess studies. I cranked up my trusty laptop and connected to and found a willing partner in crime. That is what I will call this game. Criminal! Oh, it started out in a nice Scotch that has nothing to do with a bottle of whiskey or the photo. This opening is how I get an advantage with the white pieces when black meets my 1.e4 with 1...e5. So it start thus: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 and then black is supposed to play 2...Nc6 and I continue with 3.d4! In this game black decides on the Philidor's Defense and plays: 2...d6. Okay, I get it. My response is the same 3. d4! , but this opponent has to be a smarty pants and plays the weak 3...f6? and with 4.Bc4 I have better development and initiative, which gives me at least a pawn worth of advantage! So the game progressed until I lost some material...hung it actually. Now we are even again in material, but I maintain my three pawn advantage in positional considerations. How is any of this criminal? I finally missed a mate in 11 moves and then I missed a mate in 7 moves and then I capped it all off with a missed mate in 4 moves! How that happens is any ones guess? Yes, I won...a win is a win. I did dominated my opponent with 22 pawns worth of advantage by this time. However, it left me ill at ease. Peace be with you! So I am left here in my retirement wondering if I should continue to study my chess, read a book, go watch TV, cook supper, chat with friends on line, do some work in the garden (lawn), or forget everything and go to sleep. Decisions, decisions. I say this: "If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart". Peace be with you!
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